Happy Wednesday!
Just like that, with the blink of an eye, yet another week has blown by, and I can hardly believe it. My baby has now been in school for exactly 7 days! (Not the whole day as we decided to pull him back from a full day program to half-day… but you get what my drift).
The whole separation process is still shaky at best (yes, I don’t have one of those children that just gets dropped off and nonchalantly waves good-bye), but I do believe that slowly but surely we are getting there.
In the meantime, Labor day weekend has come and gone. Surreal really, but I wanted to share with you a fun day that we had in Connecticut. Yes, that’s right I said it – Connecticut! We rented a car and went for a day-trip and it was fabulous!! Both bubs (we went with a friend of ours and their kid who’s about the same age) managed to fall asleep in the car (I suppose we did a good job of tiring the kiddos out), and the grown-ups even managed to take a breather with the toast of a mimosa or two.
Incredible – right?
Our first stop for the day was the Stamford Museum and Nature Center (39 Schofieldtown Road). It’s settled on a beautiful property, and the farm itself is truly the draw, with gentle, rolling paths that wind around pastures and barns (think cows, oxen, sheep, goats, pigs, alpacas, horses, the works!). They also have a woodland-esque playground that is out of the world, plus other good interactive exhibits/galleries & a planetarium. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the entire spot is pretty drool-worthy, and good to know that it’s only about a 30-45 min drive from the city! We were all amazed… and suffice to say, cannot wait to go back!
FYI – I honestly wouldn’t have found this place without the help of the book: Off the Beaten Path: Connecticut, which I had purchased back in 2009 in anticipation of a friend’s wedding in Mystic, CT. I highly recommend it (see the updated version here) for a well-tailored guide to all things Connecticut!