While we’re on the subject of weddings, and babies, and invites – here’s another thought – bridesmaid dresses! I’ve only been a bridesmaid twice. The first time was by Lake Winnipesaukee in 2009, shortly after my own wedding, and the second time was last year in Rio. Both times it was for friends who had been bridesmaids at my wedding, which I think is fair no? I’m convinced that there’s some unspoken rule regarding reciprocity and bridesmaids. It would be awkward, for instance, if one person served as a bridesmaid, and the other didn’t return the favor, no? Unless, of course: (1) you’re no longer friends; or (2) there is no bridal party to speak of (both of which I’ve witnessed).
For my part, I had asked all of my bridesmaids (all eight of them!) to dress in black. Simple right? Well, not quite, but I’ll spare you the details. In the end, I thought came together quite well though! Really, who would have thought that so much drama could ensue from such a limited color palette?
As for my girlfriend's Rio wedding… well, us bridesmaids were told to wear navy. Easy enough, but for the life of me I had extreme difficulties finding the “it” navy dress at the height of summer (or maybe I was just being picky). Navy, as it turned out, was really a Fall color.
I do, recall, however – the darling bride’s remark: “Eva, I love your interpretation of floor-length,” she winked. (Oops! I had clearly missed that memo). I felt much better, though, when she followed that up with, “and I love Leen’s interpretation of NAVY.” I’ll leave you to decide who that culprit was! (Though really, who could resist a dress this fabulous?).
The lesson drawn here? Bridesmaid dresses are meant to be a manifestation of your friends' unique personalities. Why homogenize them, when you can see their individual colors shine through?
For my part, I’m supposed to serve as a bridesmaid for a dear friend’s wedding come September. I’m convinced that I’ll go (part of the reason why hubby and I have been so manically driven to find the perfect baby nurse for that first six weeks post birth). Having said that… I’ve been told that the color of choice is dahlia (fuchsia?), so it’s definitely high time for me to find that perfect bridesmaid dress.
One of the dress-sites I’ve come across (DressFirst), offered an array of bridesmaid options, and really allowed me to seek different bias, cuts, and styles! Above are just some of the samples I liked – and it’s enough to get my creative juices flowing. Really, at the end of the day, I think simple is best (though I clearly have a thing for one-shoulder bridesmaid dresses!). The best part? (Well there’s two): (1) all dresses come in a variety of colors, and (2) the site even offers maternity bridesmaid dresses!!!
Granted – of course the vainglorious side of me wants to believe that I won’t be needing my maternity clothes any more after having the baby. Though the truth is, at four weeks post birth, I heard that you still look pretty much five months pregnant! Oh the flip side, looking back at myself at five months (approx. 18-22 weeks) – I think I can handle that!!! Plus, DressFirst offers some pretty cute styles for their maternity bridesmaid line (see below), wouldn't you say?
Note: this post has been sponsored by DressFirst. The opinions, styles, and personalized insights and commentary belong to RockShic.