Dress: Ella Moss | Cardigan: Urban Outfitters | Scarf: From Afghanistan | Glasses: Tom Ford | Necklace: From Chicago
As I’m gearing up for yet another trip to DC this weekend, I couldn’t help but reminisce about my past DC experiences. The city bodes a special place in my heart because this is where I first staked my place in the professional world, and where my relationship with hubby had started to take root and blossom. It is also a place where I’ve made countless work trips to over the years (a cursory tally totaled ten trips since 2007), not counting a sentimental, and post New Zealand engagement reunion back in 2006.
Yet, funnily enough, in all of the years that I’ve been to DC, I’ve only caught the famed cherry blossom season once (late March of last year). I remember it quite vividly, as I had just gotten back from the Dominican Republic for hubby’s birthday, and was whisked away with colleagues to our nation’s capital. After a full day of dreary meetings, I was jetlagged and barely coherent. Nevertheless, I snatched up my camera and went for a quick walk around the tidal basin. It was simply rejuvenating! I recalled two things to be precise: (1) that my new iPhone took incredibly good photos, and (2) that the weather was awfully warm for March (perhaps I was still suffering from Santo Domingo fever?).
Whatever the case, it was certainly one of those treasured moments in life not to be taken for granted! Even today, these photos reign amongst some of my favorites of all time, with one of them set as a permanent wallpaper on my phone.